Axle Boardshop is a clothing store in Watch Dogs 2.
Axle Boardshop Stock[ | ]
Bags[ | ]
Glasses[ | ]
Hats[ | ]
Bottoms[ | ]
Footwear[ | ]
Tops[ | ]
- East Side: Understated
- East Side: Weaponized
- Layers: Really?
- Layers: Respectable
- Prep School: Pink Riot
- Prep School: Power Pellet
- Slacker Sweat: Pyrotechnics
- Slacker Sweat: WTF?
- Thrift Store: Pushing 60
- Thrift Store: Retiree
- Zippie Hoodie: Brunch Time!
- Zippie Hoodie: Day Drinking
- Zippie Hoodie: The Belvedere
- Zippie Hoodie: The Sherman